The Musings of a(n) (adjective required) Mind

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

Well, as one of the first members of the public to see the new movie, I think it was pretty good. Grove City College was one of two, I think, to get an advanced showing of the film the night before it opened, and my roommate got tickets, so I got to go. I liked it, even though I havn't read the books. I saw a lot of parallels to the Lord of the Rings movies, but they definately were very different.
Well, its snowing here right now. We got about 1 1/2 to 2 inches during the 2 and a half hours that we were in the theatre, and the weather channel predicts another 5 before morning. The weather is cold - it was 10 degrees out this morning, and it probably didnt get above freezing temperatures. Its also late, so i will be going to sleep. I have to get up to go to breakfast and physics - I can't wait!
There are only 4 more days of classes before break counting tomorrow - then there are just 4 final exams! Oh the Joy! Then I am home, then christmas comes! Praise the Lord!

OK, now I am really going to sleep. Good-night.



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