Sunday, November 13, 2005
My bed (bottom) and Johnathan's bed (top), shown in their standard unoccupied state - unmade. The everpresent pile of clothes at the base of the bed, just covering up my computer. This is the purgatory for clothes that are not dirty enough to need to be washed, therefore still good to be worn again, yet too dirty to be placed back into the drawers. The wires hanging around are to my surround sound speakers and johnathans alarm clock and light

Thursday, November 10, 2005
Only one more week of classes until thanksgiving break!!! Yes! I can Make It!
Next week will be easy compared to this week - I had a hard test (Humanitities - Civ) today (I hope I did alright - I know of at least 3 questions that I got wrong) and another hard test (Sociology) tomorrow at 11:00, followed by my chemistry test (which is easier then the other two, but more difficult then physics. It actually requires slightly moderate mathematical ability to solve some of the problems. This adds relish to the test) on monday at 1:00. I have been praying and studying all week, to the extent that I have not been able to keep a week ahead of the rest of my classes. I am not behind, just not as ahead as I would like to be. I have a paper due in three weeks (two discounting break) that I have been wanting to start but havnt. Pray for me.
Next week will be easy compared to this week - I had a hard test (Humanitities - Civ) today (I hope I did alright - I know of at least 3 questions that I got wrong) and another hard test (Sociology) tomorrow at 11:00, followed by my chemistry test (which is easier then the other two, but more difficult then physics. It actually requires slightly moderate mathematical ability to solve some of the problems. This adds relish to the test) on monday at 1:00. I have been praying and studying all week, to the extent that I have not been able to keep a week ahead of the rest of my classes. I am not behind, just not as ahead as I would like to be. I have a paper due in three weeks (two discounting break) that I have been wanting to start but havnt. Pray for me.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Its been a while since I put anything new on here, so I figured that I needed to post something. Nothing much is going on, nothing different, new, or exciting anyway. Classes are going as usual (except for those three exams on next thursday and Friday), and college life seems to continue normally. Eating, sleeping, studying, working, dealing with the firewalled internet, and avoiding women is a full time pursuit, but not extremely varied or interesting. Of course, sleep is the one commodity that I wish there was more of - and also the commodity that I have the most control over. Isn't that a dichotomy? (Thats probably not the right word...)
Anyway, I should be showering and going to sleep about now, but I am sure that I will find something to occupy my time and keep me awake for another hour. Isn't it interesting how it is so easy to stay up and so difficult to get up? It would seem to be about equal - either both easy or both difficult. Thinking of Newton's first law, objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Actually, now that I actually read and think about what I am typing, it does make sense. (retract previous assertation). The difficulties are the transitions between sleep and consciousness - when you are sleeping, you tend to keep sleeping, and when awake tend to stay that way. When you have been in either form of being for an extended time, it becomes more difficult to make a rapid transition to the other - a greater outside force must be applied to complete the transition. eg; bucket of water in the face combined with loud rap music. Large club to the back of the head. etc. How I started on this topic I have absolutely no clue.
I'm learning how to use the dining halls to my advantage. for example, when (miracle!) Hicks or Map has some good food that is useful for constructing better meals, I have found various ways of combining and using the microwave to increase the quantity. Last night was french food night (apparently its national french week???). The food was good though. Chicken cordon Bleu (at least, chicken and ham in cheese sauce)(really good - I could go for that once a week) and peppered roast beef. well, they provided baugettes as the night's bread. well. 6 inches of baugette + butter + garlic powder + parmesan + grated cheddar cheese + microwave = garlic bread. Not extremely good, since the microwave does strange things to garlic powder, and I might have used a little less cheese, but very good compared to anything similar that the cafeteria might be serving. Another trick that I like is when they have italian sausages for lunch. Toast the roll, add condiments and lots of onion (the onion I eat on sandwiches, burgers, and my concoctions probably accounts for half of my vegetable intake)(why do they slice the red onion at the salad bar into big chunks instead of thin slices???), cheese, then microwave. Insert sausage when done. Thats good. Finding interesting things to do with the food that is provided has become my pastime when eating. As you can tell. Unfortunately for the food pyamid and fruit and veggi nazis reading this, you just cant make tofu squares in tomato pate or eggplant stuffed with squash and asparagus into anything worth eating. I dont know why they keep serving the weird vegetables either - I know I would eat more if they would just cook them plain instead of cooking 5 disgusting plants with one edible one. Oh well. I dont really care!
Anyway, I should be showering and going to sleep about now, but I am sure that I will find something to occupy my time and keep me awake for another hour. Isn't it interesting how it is so easy to stay up and so difficult to get up? It would seem to be about equal - either both easy or both difficult. Thinking of Newton's first law, objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Actually, now that I actually read and think about what I am typing, it does make sense. (retract previous assertation). The difficulties are the transitions between sleep and consciousness - when you are sleeping, you tend to keep sleeping, and when awake tend to stay that way. When you have been in either form of being for an extended time, it becomes more difficult to make a rapid transition to the other - a greater outside force must be applied to complete the transition. eg; bucket of water in the face combined with loud rap music. Large club to the back of the head. etc. How I started on this topic I have absolutely no clue.
I'm learning how to use the dining halls to my advantage. for example, when (miracle!) Hicks or Map has some good food that is useful for constructing better meals, I have found various ways of combining and using the microwave to increase the quantity. Last night was french food night (apparently its national french week???). The food was good though. Chicken cordon Bleu (at least, chicken and ham in cheese sauce)(really good - I could go for that once a week) and peppered roast beef. well, they provided baugettes as the night's bread. well. 6 inches of baugette + butter + garlic powder + parmesan + grated cheddar cheese + microwave = garlic bread. Not extremely good, since the microwave does strange things to garlic powder, and I might have used a little less cheese, but very good compared to anything similar that the cafeteria might be serving. Another trick that I like is when they have italian sausages for lunch. Toast the roll, add condiments and lots of onion (the onion I eat on sandwiches, burgers, and my concoctions probably accounts for half of my vegetable intake)(why do they slice the red onion at the salad bar into big chunks instead of thin slices???), cheese, then microwave. Insert sausage when done. Thats good. Finding interesting things to do with the food that is provided has become my pastime when eating. As you can tell. Unfortunately for the food pyamid and fruit and veggi nazis reading this, you just cant make tofu squares in tomato pate or eggplant stuffed with squash and asparagus into anything worth eating. I dont know why they keep serving the weird vegetables either - I know I would eat more if they would just cook them plain instead of cooking 5 disgusting plants with one edible one. Oh well. I dont really care!