Pseudo Rapidity
According to the definition given in a physics lecture, the pseudo-rapidity of any object can be determined by
This equasion signifies that the Pseudo Rapidity of an object is directly related to the cube of its mass and the tension of the London Forces between the atoms in the molecular structure, as well as inversely related to the root of its velocity and the hyperbolic tangent of the surface area of the object. Now, anyone that knows anything about higher physics knows that all of the above (except the fact that there is SOMETHING called pseudo-rapidity) is false and made up. However, the professor told his class this lie in order to show a point, so why can't I display a meaningless equasion for no point at all?
There hasnt been a lot of really interesting stuff going on lately. There is the standard homework and labs, rugby practice, eating, messing around, and sleeping that has constituted my daily life for the last month and a half (Has it really only been that long??!! Wow.) Of course, on weekends, there are the requisite dances and campus get-togethers, sleeping in past 6:45 (yes mom, I get up at 6:45 every morning)(well, 6:45 +- 10 minutes)(If I didnt get up that early, I wouldnt have time for breakfast!), and getting all of my schoolwork for the following week done. Since I already did 5/8 of this week's assignments on saturday and sunday, I have time during the week to work on the blog and do other fun things, like trying to force a mario bros. clone a friend of mine is building from scratch to compile on the .NET 2005 C++ compiler, rather then the 6.0 compiler. Why dont they make these things backwards compatible???? Oh well. What else is going on? I got back the scores from my first round of tests - I did much better on my sociology exam then I thought that I would - I got an 83%, which is not what I am used to, but much better then what I was expecting. It was the first exam with this professor, which anyone will tell you is the hardest. Simply, I studied up on the ideas and concepts that seemed to be important in the class, and he tested on the NAMES of ideas and steps, not on what they meant perse. Next time I will know what to look for. My Humanities test was easier then I was expecting, and I earned a 96%, along with the extra credit brownie points. (Example: What vowel does Mr. Edwards last name start with? Mark this on the bubble sheet)(This was so surprising that I read it about 3 times, in incredulity that there would be no catch or trick). I have a FitWell (Fitness and wellness) exam tomorrow that I should be studying for. If anyone reading this decides to come to Grove City, you will learn early to verbally bash this class. For example, here is a synopsis of the classroom material...
List of Diseases and causes of death (LIST): Heart disease, Atheroscelerosis, Heart attack, Stroke, Obesity, Hypertension, PreHypertension, Overweight, Underweight, bad breath, broken bones, Osteoperosis, Cancer of the (Lungs, Heart, Liver, Tongue, lips, skin, muscle, digestive tract, every other part of the body), Inflexibility, Dry Mouth, Anorexia, sickness, death, weakness, inability to wake up, insomnia...
If you...
eat too little, eat too much, eat fast food, dont exercise, exercise a little, smoke, stand within 250 meters of a smoker, look at a cigarette, take drugs, drink alcohol, listen to loud music, jump off of buildings, think about pizza more then twice a week, sit for more then half an hour without running a lap, drink soda, have stress will become subject to LIST
On the contrary, if you...
Run laps and do sit-ups in the aisle when on long plane flights, exercise for an hour each day, sell your car, eat fruit, vegetables, pytochemicals, 4 oz of meat a day (are they crazy!! I probably break that limit at breakfast) and whole grains, dont get fat, dont stay skinny, put your computer at a location that forces you to stand while using it will be saved from LIST
These lists of ailments, causes and remedies are by no means exhaustive, even according to this class. Yes, I exaggerate, but that is the basic gist of the class - every day, we learn a new way to cause death. Of course, the class dosn't explain what is going to happen to all of those Health nuts 30 -70 years from now, sitting in the hospital, dying of nothing....
There was another dance last weekend on saturday. I am glad I went to that - I kind of enjoyed myself. It was held in one of the lobbies of the women's dorms. To me, it actually seemed like a real dance merely because everyone was dressed up. Black coat, white shirt for guys, and predominantly black dresses for the young ladies, although there was some major variation. I broke the rule by wearing a green suit jacket and black shirt that I had picked up at salvation army earlier that day. One thing that I did notice that was almost universal about the raiment of the young women at the event, was that almost every single girl that I saw was wearing high heels. The only girl that I saw that was not sporting those height-increasers was wearing flip-flops. Does anyone know what is the purpose of high heels? This may be a stupid question, but I will ask it anyway. They cant be comfortable, because if they were, they would be worn everywhere. What do they do or the image? the extra 2-3 inches of height? is that the reason? Oh well. Yet another mystery... This time, there was dancing that actually qualified as dancing. There was swing dancing upstairs, and downstairs in the rec room was where all of the crazy dancers congregated, as well as all of the football fans who had been dragged from their games in the dorms. Of course, I did not participate in the dancing, because I am not qualified or knowledgeable in the ways of swing dancing, and I do not think that the random movement of limbs and body downstairs was dancing. Therefore I wandered through the packed crowd for a while, speaking to my friends about how best to remove a tray of food from the premises, and other such interesting topics. That was fun to get dressed up to an extent and to see everyone else there all spiffy. After about 1:15 of wandering, I and two buddies went up to my room, where we watched The Princess Bride on my computer with the new 5.1 surround sound speakers. That was fun. Following that I went to sleep.
I usually have some sort of tech project or problem that I am working on. My current one is trying to get my desktop to function as a web server on the campus network so I can play with my personal web sites across campus. I think that the network admins have anticipated these kinds of actions by tech geeks like myself, however, and have somehow blocked the servers from working. Or perhaps it is because my desktop is not on the GCC domain. I dunno. I even tried setting it to different ports - 80, 8080, 8084, etc. No go. Oh well. I may succeed someday, but until then, I will have to do without.
Wow, thats a long post. I guess that it makes up for a week of no posting.
There hasnt been a lot of really interesting stuff going on lately. There is the standard homework and labs, rugby practice, eating, messing around, and sleeping that has constituted my daily life for the last month and a half (Has it really only been that long??!! Wow.) Of course, on weekends, there are the requisite dances and campus get-togethers, sleeping in past 6:45 (yes mom, I get up at 6:45 every morning)(well, 6:45 +- 10 minutes)(If I didnt get up that early, I wouldnt have time for breakfast!), and getting all of my schoolwork for the following week done. Since I already did 5/8 of this week's assignments on saturday and sunday, I have time during the week to work on the blog and do other fun things, like trying to force a mario bros. clone a friend of mine is building from scratch to compile on the .NET 2005 C++ compiler, rather then the 6.0 compiler. Why dont they make these things backwards compatible???? Oh well. What else is going on? I got back the scores from my first round of tests - I did much better on my sociology exam then I thought that I would - I got an 83%, which is not what I am used to, but much better then what I was expecting. It was the first exam with this professor, which anyone will tell you is the hardest. Simply, I studied up on the ideas and concepts that seemed to be important in the class, and he tested on the NAMES of ideas and steps, not on what they meant perse. Next time I will know what to look for. My Humanities test was easier then I was expecting, and I earned a 96%, along with the extra credit brownie points. (Example: What vowel does Mr. Edwards last name start with? Mark this on the bubble sheet)(This was so surprising that I read it about 3 times, in incredulity that there would be no catch or trick). I have a FitWell (Fitness and wellness) exam tomorrow that I should be studying for. If anyone reading this decides to come to Grove City, you will learn early to verbally bash this class. For example, here is a synopsis of the classroom material...
List of Diseases and causes of death (LIST): Heart disease, Atheroscelerosis, Heart attack, Stroke, Obesity, Hypertension, PreHypertension, Overweight, Underweight, bad breath, broken bones, Osteoperosis, Cancer of the (Lungs, Heart, Liver, Tongue, lips, skin, muscle, digestive tract, every other part of the body), Inflexibility, Dry Mouth, Anorexia, sickness, death, weakness, inability to wake up, insomnia...
If you...
eat too little, eat too much, eat fast food, dont exercise, exercise a little, smoke, stand within 250 meters of a smoker, look at a cigarette, take drugs, drink alcohol, listen to loud music, jump off of buildings, think about pizza more then twice a week, sit for more then half an hour without running a lap, drink soda, have stress will become subject to LIST
On the contrary, if you...
Run laps and do sit-ups in the aisle when on long plane flights, exercise for an hour each day, sell your car, eat fruit, vegetables, pytochemicals, 4 oz of meat a day (are they crazy!! I probably break that limit at breakfast) and whole grains, dont get fat, dont stay skinny, put your computer at a location that forces you to stand while using it will be saved from LIST
These lists of ailments, causes and remedies are by no means exhaustive, even according to this class. Yes, I exaggerate, but that is the basic gist of the class - every day, we learn a new way to cause death. Of course, the class dosn't explain what is going to happen to all of those Health nuts 30 -70 years from now, sitting in the hospital, dying of nothing....
There was another dance last weekend on saturday. I am glad I went to that - I kind of enjoyed myself. It was held in one of the lobbies of the women's dorms. To me, it actually seemed like a real dance merely because everyone was dressed up. Black coat, white shirt for guys, and predominantly black dresses for the young ladies, although there was some major variation. I broke the rule by wearing a green suit jacket and black shirt that I had picked up at salvation army earlier that day. One thing that I did notice that was almost universal about the raiment of the young women at the event, was that almost every single girl that I saw was wearing high heels. The only girl that I saw that was not sporting those height-increasers was wearing flip-flops. Does anyone know what is the purpose of high heels? This may be a stupid question, but I will ask it anyway. They cant be comfortable, because if they were, they would be worn everywhere. What do they do or the image? the extra 2-3 inches of height? is that the reason? Oh well. Yet another mystery... This time, there was dancing that actually qualified as dancing. There was swing dancing upstairs, and downstairs in the rec room was where all of the crazy dancers congregated, as well as all of the football fans who had been dragged from their games in the dorms. Of course, I did not participate in the dancing, because I am not qualified or knowledgeable in the ways of swing dancing, and I do not think that the random movement of limbs and body downstairs was dancing. Therefore I wandered through the packed crowd for a while, speaking to my friends about how best to remove a tray of food from the premises, and other such interesting topics. That was fun to get dressed up to an extent and to see everyone else there all spiffy. After about 1:15 of wandering, I and two buddies went up to my room, where we watched The Princess Bride on my computer with the new 5.1 surround sound speakers. That was fun. Following that I went to sleep.
I usually have some sort of tech project or problem that I am working on. My current one is trying to get my desktop to function as a web server on the campus network so I can play with my personal web sites across campus. I think that the network admins have anticipated these kinds of actions by tech geeks like myself, however, and have somehow blocked the servers from working. Or perhaps it is because my desktop is not on the GCC domain. I dunno. I even tried setting it to different ports - 80, 8080, 8084, etc. No go. Oh well. I may succeed someday, but until then, I will have to do without.
Wow, thats a long post. I guess that it makes up for a week of no posting.
Wouldn't it be easier to just list LIFE as the primary cause of death? Then you can spend time pondering the more serious questions - like the high heels dilemma. I have been known to wear them - and I certainly don't need to add to my height!
Carol L., at 2:33 PM
Or, At least, Life is a prerequisite to death. If one never lives, death is impossible!
Jeremy Turpin, at 12:58 PM
I had no idea... I just thought they made my ankles look less fat!
Carol L., at 7:15 PM
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