It's a good day today
Today is a very good day. All fridays are ordinarily good intrinsically - a promise of an end of classes for the week, a feeling of fulfillment about the week ending, and a sense of rest. This friday, today, was even better then the usual. One reason was because of my Physics class, and the other because of my Chemistry class. We received our tests back for Physics this morning. I aced it. 101/101. class average of 82. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise Him, Praise the Lord. My chemistry test was also returned today - 101/103. Class average: 76. Another round of praise for the God on High who alone has given me the capacity and knowledge to do well in these tests. Also, a less important item. My chemistry professor, Dr. Falcetta, has a unique skill to find advice for future relationships by examination of Molecular bonding, Polar covalent bonds, electronegativity, electron configurations, the ideal gas law, and other chemical subjects. Now, I heard him begin such a topic today, and quickly got my computer recording it. When I find a way to post it, I will, and allow you to hear some of the wisdom stored in the atoms and molecules that make up our world. Todays subject for relationships was Polar Covalent molecules - teaching how to respond when someday one gets married and discovers that thier spouse has high blanketativity - the quality that determines how strongly a person attracts all of the blankets on the bed to themselves. This is related to electronegativity and the sharing and atomic bonding.mp3of electrons within a molecule. Here is the download link for the file - It is a bit quiet so you may have to turn up your volume...
Hope you enjoy it, and hope that your friday has been good too!!
Hope you enjoy it, and hope that your friday has been good too!!
yes. Very much so. [trash can]Click!
Jeremy Turpin, at 11:44 PM
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