To Muse, or not to Muse
After the repeated and insistent requests of the public (i.e. my brother reccomended it once or twice and Tim Klein asked if I had one once) for me to begin a blog for everyone back home to read and see what was happening with me, I have commenced the undertaking. A warning to those who may or may not be wary: do not expect frequent, verbose, or profound messages to appear on this Blog. When any of these attributes happen to be true, it should be considered as occuring by chance only, not as if obeying a general rule. Now, disclaimer aside, if I happen to find time to jot down a few words, reading said words may or may not be entertaining or enlightening. I may be thoughtful, or dense, boring, technical, or even, perhaps, wax philosophical at times. (note: last option rather unlikely) Read at your own risk...
A quick word on my current situation:
After an extremely long set of plane flights across the US, a stop in a Wings, Suds, and Spuds restauraunt in pittsburg, and an hour's drive through some Amish country of Pensylvania, I arrived at Grove City College. I believe that I will enjoy myself here (although the blocking of many/most TCP/IP/UDP ports in the college network is perturbing) and will learn much in my planned four years of college, studying to become an electrical engineer.
More later - 11:20 PM, and bed, a 7:15 AM breakfast, followed by 8:00 AM Physics class await me. Signing off, you've been reading,

One note: Tablet PC's are Cool!!
A quick word on my current situation:
After an extremely long set of plane flights across the US, a stop in a Wings, Suds, and Spuds restauraunt in pittsburg, and an hour's drive through some Amish country of Pensylvania, I arrived at Grove City College. I believe that I will enjoy myself here (although the blocking of many/most TCP/IP/UDP ports in the college network is perturbing) and will learn much in my planned four years of college, studying to become an electrical engineer.
More later - 11:20 PM, and bed, a 7:15 AM breakfast, followed by 8:00 AM Physics class await me. Signing off, you've been reading,

One note: Tablet PC's are Cool!!
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